Thursday, June 11, 2009

up next

Well, sorry, I have no photos this week because I've been scrambling trying to draft patterns and get as much cut into fabric and basted together for fittings this week.
It turns out that I have only been assigned straight tailoring of the 1950's for the last show and someone else has been assigned the show with the costumes of the 1740's.
Oh well, I do like to make suits and so do the sewers on my team. They will have a lot to make them happy. I entered all the paperwork into our time records binder and tallied it all up.
In the next 8 weeks, we are going to build 15 pairs of trousers, 2 pairs of riding breeches, 6 waistcoats, 2 tailcoats, 1 hunting jacket, 1 Balmacaan overcoat and 12 jackets. This includes all kind of variations of jackets, such as regular SB and DB jackets, shawl collared cream dinner jackets, and black SB and DB tuxedos.

Does that seem like a lot for one cutter and five experienced tailors? I guess I can sew too if needed, but it will be a lot to cut out and keep organized. I do like to make trousers though.........

I had my first fitting today of a lovely black barathea SB peak lapel dinner jacket with matching pleated trousers.
It's always interesting working with a new designer, and he seemed very happy that the jacket was nice and slim fitting and had a good natural shoulder line. I've been promised more fittings tomorrow,
So, ready....set...go!

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