Every season is different regarding what I will get to work on, so I am lucky that my work days are always different and challenging.
Last season, I started with costumes for Taming of the Shrew set around 1600, Hamlet circa 1880 ish, Romeo and Juliet c.1500, then moved onto All's Well circa 1880 and finished up with Caesar and Cleopatra c.50 BC. That's quite a spread of time. We made plunderhose and doublets, trunkhose and doublets, suits, doublet and tights and capes, then uniforms and suits, and ended with leather britches, tunics and armour.

This season is shaping up to look like a bit of 1640 to 1660 (Charles I) musketeer inspired looks, the 1890's, and the 1960's. We may get a bit of 1740 (George II) if things progress as thought and then a bit of mystery something at the end in July and August. So far we've made doublets and breeches and capes and a couple of casaques as well as a couple of coats. Onward tomorrow to the 1890's and see how far I get. I have morning and frock coats, as well as trousers and waistcoats and a sack coat or two. Then I can switch gears to the 1960's when we get more info from our designer.
Never a dull moment!
photos from Stratford's All's Well, Taming of the Shrew, Caesar and Cleopatra, and All's Well
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