Hockey Day in Canada is almost upon us (Jan 30th) and in that spirit I present the Boissevain, Manitoba Hockey Team- Intermediate Champions of 1910-11.
I couldn't resist this photo when I saw it in a shop window in a small town in Manitoba back in 1990. I had joined my husband who was on tour through Northern Ontario and Manitoba, and among the highlights of seeing more of our country was the time to check out many small town antique and junk shops. Their personalities seem to shine out at you from this hundred year old photo, and it made me wonder whether their young faces were next seen in another type of uniform.
It is a great reference for hockey clothing in general but also for the suits that the manager (left) and the "spare" (right) are wearing. I think they are both DB- there is a button showing on the front of the manager's suit. I think his seems a bit more unusual in style that the one on the right.
What is interesting to note is the general silhouette, the shoulder, the size of lapel, and the overall length.
Look at the angle of the gorge line and the subsequent length of the collar especially on the man on the right. The end of the gorge line where the lapel peaks is at least 2 1/2" below the knot of his tie. It's a young man's look of the time, and a real departure from the high buttoning style of the turn of the century just 10 years previous.
The manager is quite dapper in his starched shirt collar- you see, Don Cherry is just following tradition, but let's not talk about his suits. Really.