I have to say that it is difficult to get photos of the ruffs being made. I get something cut, then voila, it is being sewn together and I am cutting something else.
Here, I caught a quick photo of K- sewing together the Crin interlayer of the ruff. This is the substance that will give the ruff structure. The Crin and the silk are cut exactly the same, there is a 1/4" seam allowance left on the inside and outside of the circles, that will get cut away as the edges are finished.
The Crin is seamed by overlapping the seam allowances and stitching through the layers, just to keep it as flat as possible.
The silk layers are seamed together with a scant 1/4" seam allowance. The joins between the sections are carefully marked to prevent confusion.
Once all three layers are seamed together, the task of sandwich making begins. I was careful to make sure all the sections had matched grain lines, so the circular aspect was maintained.
The three layers are pinned, then basted together by hand. You can see the basted section being rolled up as K bastes. It is very important to keep the length under control while you are working on it.
After they are prepped, K will overlock the outside edge with metallic thread, and satin zig stitch the inside curved edge which is what will be sewn to the neckband. The inside curve is zigged and cut away by hand. We tried numerous samples trying to overlock the inside edge, but it wasn't working very well, so zigging was the next obvious finish.
Ok, off to cut something else, actually another ruff, then a cape, and some sleeves and a waistband, a collar, as well as some pockets for a variety of items, and talk to boots and shoes about sword belts ....well, you get the picture- it is busy!
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